Some houses just seem to be crying for a patio cover!
This Olympia neighborhood required a “step above” patio cover.
Olympia house before patio cover
Olympia house After patio cover
I had so much fun installing this Olympia patio cover! Yes, that is snow on the ground and yes, I did work on the day that it fell. I’m not quite as dedicated as the US Postal Service, working through the worst of weather, but that day I did. When I see something good happening, its very hard to stop. This customer ordered extra special smooth 4×4 posts, smooth fascia and gutter, flat pan ceiling and six white skylights. It was a dandy!
You might be able to tell that this is a little higher than your average patio cover; this for a couple of reasons:
- First, the windows are taller than your typical home has and the extra window above the patio door required a higher cover.
- Second, the basket ball stand needed to be stored under this cover. It fit just fine.
Stepping up to a nicer cover
The decision to invest in your nice home with a nice cover makes perfect sense. This homeowner wanted his patio cover to not only be sturdy and practical, but because he lived in a nice neighborhood, he felt that he needed to keep that same nice appearance not only for him, but for the community also. Don’t you with all of your neighbors felt this way?
What is your house saying?
Don’t forget that you are not merely spending money on a patio cover, rather you are investing in the value of your home. So, when your house is crying for a patio cover, you might want to step up and do it right. This Olympia customer was very happy with his investment!